Good morning! Today is a day where people think about love. It's usually a romantic love. God's love is the purest form of love. God so loved us that while we were yet sinners, He sent Christ, His Son, to die for us that we may have eternal life.
He is so good! Love can be messy. and relationships can be difficult. When those we love the most hurt us, it can be tough to navigate through that. If a spouse is unfaithful, many marriages end over infidelity. No matter how many times we sin, God is ready to forgive.
When we are unfaithful to Him, He is abundantly merciful to us. If we just call upon Him, He is loving, compassionate and ready to forgive us. As you think about love today, think about the love of God that chases us no matter how many times we are unfaithful to Him. Think about the forgiveness He offers through Jesus and let that help you to be loving as you make a great day!