Good morning! Since God is just, we should seek to act justly. His will is that we exude His character in all we do in everyday life. God is just, so His people should act justly.
God is merciful, so His people should love mercy. It's easy to be vengeful, but anyone can be vengeful. It takes Godly character to act merciful to those who do injustice. Love mercy because you have experienced God's loving mercy.
It can be so easy to become puffed up when you see what God has done for you. But, it must make us humble because it is not from our own goodness, but His goodness. We are not better than anyone because of righteousness. We are blessed because God has broken through to us.
His goodness has overtaken us. In justice, we deserved death but He showed His love to us in mercy. We should lay our lives down before Him in thanksgiving and live humbly to let others know of His grace. If we do this, we will be in His will and know how to make each day a great day!