Good morning! Sometimes I see how far I am from where I want to be and I'm reminded of how far the Lord has brought me from where He found me. It builds my faith because I know nothing is too difficult for Him. If He saved me, He can save anyone!
Sometimes, we get so caught up in our problems and struggles that we lose sight of how big our God is. Stop and take a moment to look at the enormity of our universe (at least what we can see of it). He spoke forth and created it all.
What is so big to you that you cannot believe He can handle it? Nothing in your life is bigger than the universe. It's not even as big as the planet earth. Stop magnifying your problem and start magnifying the Lord. You'll see in light of who He is, nothing is too difficult for Him to take care of. Trust Him and put your confidence and focus in Him and He will help you to make a great day!