Good morning! What we often equate to saving our lives is often what God equates to losing it. Modernly, I think we have lost the reality of eternity. We base everything in life on "here and now" and the existence we can see, but there is an eternity waiting for us beyond this life.
Where we put our trust will determine the destination for eternity. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. He died as if He had broken every law. He rose from the dead in righteousness so that we could be redeemed. We ought to live for Him.
Who and what are you living for? Who and what are you putting your trust in? Eternity is real and it is long. Taking chances on forever is long time to live with regret over a mistake. Live for Jesus and live forever. Live for yourself and you will die forever. I pray you find your life hidden in Jesus. Think hard on this decision as you make a great day!