Good morning! Walking with God is not easy because we have two enemies that try very hard to get us to walk in the lusts of this world. We fight against our sinful nature that desires to fill our lives with everything that appeals to the senses and is naturally rebellious towards God.
That is what we need to crucify every day as we take up our cross and follow Christ. The second enemy is the devil and his demons. He creates opportunities for us to sin by using people, places and things to lure us into sin through temptation.
When our desire meets the opportunity, there is where sin is conceived. This is why God rebukes us so we repent and turn to Him. Be so on fire for God and in love with Jesus that you run from every opportunity to sin. When Jesus knocks, answer the door and let Him in to stay with you. His love is worth it and eternal life is worth everything it may cost you in this life. Let His love be enough for you as you grow in zeal for Him and make a great day!