Good morning! God desires for us to not sin, obviously, but He always makes provision for us so we have help. He gave us His word so we know what sin is and how to conquer it. He gave us Jesus so that we can be forgiven of our sin.
He gave us the Holy Spirit so we have a Helper and Advocate who helps us not to sin but also leads us back to righteousness if we do. It is not an excuse or license to sin, but it is a help to us if we do. The Holy Spirit's job is to point us back to Jesus.
Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. The mercy seat is there and so is the blood He shed for our sins making intercession for us. So, when Holy Spirit points to Jesus, it points us to His blood which cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Come to Jesus to receive the help you need in times of mercy in need of grace so you can always receive what you need to make a great day!