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Wednesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! There is nothing hidden from the Lord. No matter how good we are at hiding from even the most discerning people, God sees it all. I think everyone has something in their life they wouldn't want anyone to know, but the Lord already knows.

If you have a struggle with something, the Lord already knows about it. So why not just come to Him with it and let Him help you deal with the root of the issue? If you feel ashamed, He already knows, so let Him help you.

He desires the best for you, not to harm you. No matter how badly people misuse information about you for evil, God does not desire to embarrass or hurt you. He wants to free you from everything that keeps you from living His best for you. Let the Lord deal with your secret places so you can find refuge in His secret place where nothing can harm you. Make a great day!

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