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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! The Jews had a misconception about what Jesus would do. They though He would establish an earthly kingdom and sovereignly rule the Jewish people in the earth. But Simeon saw Jesus for what He would really do.

Jesus would bring the revelation of God and His salvation not only to the Jews but also the Gentiles (all non-Jewish people). All who call upon the name of the Lord would be saved regardless if you were Jew or Gentile.

This is why some of the Gentiles received miracles and the Jews had no faith. They wanted Jesus their way and not God's way. Jesus died and rose again for all people. That is God's way; that none perish but ALL come to a saving knowledge of Christ through repentance.

It doesn't matter who you are, when you see Jesus God's way, you can be saved no matter what race you are. That is why they call the Gospel the Good News! When you receive it, you can make every day a great day!

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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! So many people are looking for an answer in a man or man-made ideals. There is no answer within yourself or any other person. There never has been and there never will be. If there were,

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