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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! Though God is not bound by time, He has appointed times for things to happen at the right moment to fulfill His will. At just the right time, Jesus came into this world through the womb of a virgin woman as a Jewish boy raised under the law.

He fulfilled every part of the law, all 613 commandments, to establish a new covenant written in His own divine blood so we could not just be saved but adopted as His children. Adoption is both legal and permanent. You cannot take an adopted child back to the child services office if it doesn't work out like you hoped.

God doesn't want to throw us back to the world even when we screw up. He doesn't want to be a foster parent nor a step-parent satisfied with weekend visitation. He paid a high price to make you His own child, legally and permanently. Have you gone through the process of adoption to be His child? Accept this gift of His Son, Jesus and you will know what it is to make a great day!

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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

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