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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! The fourth of the "I am" statements gives clarity to the way of salvation. If you want to go to heaven, you have to go through the door. Jesus is the door that leads to heaven. There is no other way or any other door that gives access except through Jesus.

He comes to give abundant life, not just mediocre, mundane or barely squeaking by life. Jesus is life and the source of all life. He leads you to a life teeming with joy, provision, abundance and security this world cannot give.

There is great assurance to know it is not about our ability to produce the means for our salvation. It is found in Christ and Christ alone. He made the way, it is just up to us to walk in it. When the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, remember you belong to Jesus who gives abundant life. Keep this in mind as you make a great day!

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