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Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! I talked about offenses yesterday and this fits right in the same thought. We cannot always avoid offenses, but we can do our part to less offensive and so easily offended if we put on these virtues.

Approach everything and everyone with kindness. Just being kind can diffuse a lot of bad days and help people who have been wounded to heal. Be compassionate and merciful, as God has been that way towards us.

Finally, when something happens to offend you, be forgiving with the reminder that Christ was forgiving towards you. When we choose to forgive, we are never more Christ-like. Think of others in the way you want them to think of you.

We've all had bad days and been less than our best. Be gracious and forgiving with others because you don't know what they're going through. Put these things into practice as you make a great day!

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