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Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! Life has a way of creating questions when things happen we don't understand. You can get lost in the why's and what if's, but when you try to figure out things that go beyond your understanding and human reason, you can lose hope.

When we lose sight of God and His omniscience, we get frustrated and bitterness can start to grow in our hearts. But when we trust God with all our uncertainties and unanswered questions, we find peace and hope.

We don't always know why the wind blows the way it does, why people are born with certain defects or why God seems silent in situations where we think He should be screamingly loud. But we have a choice to make: to trust Him in all things or to get lost in all the limited reasoning of our finite minds. Choose to trust Him and let His peace rule your hearts and minds as you make a great day!

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