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Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! I know Christmas is over, but like I posted previously, Christmas is not about a day, or even a season but a life-long commitment. It's a journey that started on a day we celebrate once a year. But it's something we should think about all year long.

A virgin birth had never happened before or since this instance. Not conceived by man, not delivered by doctor, not born in a hospital, not in a sterile environment. A miracle of the truest sense, Jesus, the Son of God born to be the Lamb of God.

Where better for a Lamb to be born than in a barn? Shepherds were the first to hear of His birth and the first to come worship Him. Who better to be told first about the birth of a Lamb than shepherds? He came in the humblest of circumstances so we could be set free of sin. He loves us so we could fall in love with Him. I pray you fall in love with Him deeper each day as you make a great day!

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