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Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! The sixth of the "I am" statements of Jesus is one of my favorite verses of Scripture. I understand it because I experienced it. In 2002, I was in an industrial accident that wrapped my body up inside a roll of sandpaper. It literally crushed me to death.

I got to go to heaven for a brief moment and saw Jesus. He told me to go back and do the work He had prepared for me to do now. When He said "now" I came back to life to the amazement of the EMT's who were ready to call for a body bag.

No matter what man says, when Jesus says "live" you will live. Put your trust in Him today and even if you face death, there is peace to know Jesus will raise you to life either in this life or the next. I was dead for a brief time, but I am alive because just like for Lazarus, Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Make a great day!

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