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Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning and Merry Christmas! This is the designated day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It may not be the actual day, but it is the official day we acknowledge His birth. Everything changed when Christ was born. The earth rejoiced with heaven as signs and wonders filled the heavens and the earth with praise.

The day of redemption had come. It was a new era, a new way of measuring time, a dispensation and a new kingdom being established. Born is the King come as a lamb; the Lamb of God. This is why He was born in a barn, for where else should a lamb be born?

Shepherds were the first to know of His birth because who else should be first to know about the birth of lamb than shepherds? Truly it is a time to say and sing: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward all of mankind!" Give Him praise today as you make a great day!

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