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Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! When we read about the Christmas story, there is a lot going on besides just Jesus being born. Joseph was planning to break off their engagement because he thought she had cheated on him. He had to have an encounter in a dream to fix the situation.

Then a census was being taken. Mary and Joseph had to go to a specific place for the census and they were trying to find a place to stay as she came into labor. There was a lot of responsibility other than just a normal pregnancy.

It was messy. It was trying and tiring. It took a lot of work and effort. There was a partnership with God to carry out His will concerning the Messiah. Christmas isn't just a season, it's a reminder of the life-long commitment that started with a simple, "Yes" from a teenage girl. Is your "yes" to Jesus seasonal or life-long? Think carefully about this as you make a great day!

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