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Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! We've celebrated Mother's Day in honor of mother's and significant women in our lives who have helped to shape our lives. It's important to honor the women in our lives.

We should do so more than one day a year because they selflessly sacrifice so much of their lives to help afford us our lives. I am thankful for my wife, the mother of my children who has shown me what a Christian should look like.

I remember when I thought I would never be welcomed in a church. I was a very rough-looking, sinful person. Instead of finding judgment, I found love and acceptance and many of those people were women. Their love for me and compassion for me taught me about the love of God.

It changed my life and helped me see Jesus. It changed how I saw myself through the lens of Christ and not through my own eyes that saw every flaw. It healed my brokenness and therefore, I am grateful for wonderful women who saw value in me when I couldn't see it in myself.

They were wives, mothers, sisters and daughters and to me, they are all priceless. Be thankful for the women in your life who helped shape you and show you Jesus. Thank them often and make a great day!

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