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Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional

February has a steep history in its association with love. It has a lot of pagan connections and rituals that celebrate a copy of what God is and has established for us. The enemy always perverts and copies what God does and has ordained.

But just because the enemy has distorted things from its original intent doesn't mean we should lose sight of the eternal plan of love God displayed for us through His Son. Jesus came as the embodiment of the Father's love.

His life, death and resurrection are all the language of God's love towards us. He didn't just say it, He showed it. What good is it for us to just use words, talents, gifts or abilities if they are not first rooted in love? Are they not just performance based acts of entertainment and selfishness?

Jesus was selfless in His actions to show God's love for us. Let the love of God be displayed in all you do and be the motive behind every thought, word, action and deed as you make a great day!

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