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Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! In a war, it is important to understand your enemy in order to be victorious. Knowing your enemy can help you recognize their strategy and attack positions. It is the same in the spiritual battle we face each day.

The belligerent clerk, the nagging coworker, the rude driver who cut you off with a one-finger salute all seem like your battle is with humanity. But you have to remember, our battle is with the spiritual darkness of this world. It is in the invisible and not the visible.

It may manifest through people, but it is the spirit behind those people and the people themselves. You need to suit up to be able to withstand the wiles of the enemy. He wants you to lose your temper. He wants you to say careless words and throw an emotional tantrum.

He wants you to compromise for just a moment while everyone you have been witnessing to is watching. He wants to trick you into ruining your own witness so he can throw guilt and shame in your face. Don't give the enemy the satisfaction. Put on the whole armor of God to guard your mind, your heart, your body and your spirit so you will stay in the love of Christ. Be alert and pray up to avoid the pitfalls of the enemy as you make a great day!

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